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APPA (Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities)


APPA is a forum for privacy authorities in the Asia Pacific region. It gives privacy authorities in the region an opportunity to form partnerships, discuss best practices and share information on emerging technology, trends and changes to privacy regulation. 

APPA members convene twice a year, discussing permanent agenda items like jurisdictional reports from each delegation and an initiative-sharing roundtable. At each forum, members discuss and focus on different topical issues. In the past, these have included the challenge of balancing privacy and security, a World Anti-Doping Code, cross-jurisdictional law enforcement in the Asia Pacific, cryptography, social media, international data transfer and the de-identification of data.

Participation of the SIC in APPA

Through the Deputy Superintendence for the Protection of Personal Data, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce participates in the following WORKING GROUPS: 

- APPA Communications Working Group

- APPA Comparative Privacy Statistics Working Group

- APPA Technology Working Group

Participation of the SIC in APPA events:

- 49TH APPA Forum hosted by the US

- 53RD APPA Forum hosted by Singapore


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