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Colombia and the Iberoamerican Data Protection Network (RIPD)


The Iberoamerican Data Protection Network (RIPD), arises from the agreement reached at the Iberoamerican Data Protection Meeting (EIPD) held in La Antigua, Guatemala, from June 1 to 6, 2003, with the assistance of representatives of 14 Ibero-American countries.

Aware of the important role that data protection plays in the framework of the information society and the growing commercial relations between Ibero-American citizens, the Network is constituted as a response to the need to promote, maintain and strengthen a close and constant exchange of information, experiences and knowledge between the Ibero-American Countries, through the establishment of channels of dialogue and collaboration in the field of personal data protection. Likewise, the Network is open to all those Governments of Ibero-American countries that wish to promote and execute initiatives and projects related to this matter. The Network aims to create an integrating forum that allows understanding, analyzing and attending to a reality that involves various social actors, both in the public and private sectors.

Colombia participated in the 2nd Ibero-American Data Protection Meeting held in La Antigua, Guatemala that established the basis for the the Ibero-American Data Protection Network, and thereafter Colombia has been actively participating in the Network being the host country of the Ibero-American Meeting in numerous occasions such as in 2004, 2008, and more recently in 2013. Likewise, in 2017 during the XV Ibero-American Meeting on Data Protection Colombia participated in the approval of the Personal Data Protection Standards for Ibero-American States that have had the support of the European Commission itself and have been a real boost for the regulation of the protection of personal data in the region.

Likewise, in 2018 he was elected to be a member of the RIPD Executive Committee within which Colombia led the initiative to make a guide of general recommendations for the treatment of Data in Artificial Intelligence.

Colombia is currently the President of the Network with the Superintendent of Data protection.

Currently the network is working in the following documents:

  • Declaration of the ibero-american network of data protection against digital violence towards women and girls.
  • Recommendations on personal data processing in cloud computing services

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