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The SIC attended the “2017 ICN Merger Workshop”

The SIC attended the “2017 ICN Merger Workshop”

Mrs. Liliana Cruz Pinzón, Coordinator of the Merger Working Group of the SIC, participated in the “2017 ICN Merger Workshop”, which took place in Washington D.C., United States. This version of the workshop focused on effective investigative techniques for developing reliable evidence, and addressed the role of market power and market definition (among other related topics) in merger review. The Workshop was done by the International Competition Network (ICN), with the collaboration of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) of the United States.

Mrs. Cruz’ participation addressed the advances made by Colombia in the implementation of the recommendations made by the Organization for Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) on mergers. This included the issuance and application of SIC Resolution 10930 of 2015, which modified procedural rules on merger review processes in the country. She also shared experiences related to the rigorousness and use of quantitative sophisticated tools for the economic analysis of merger cases in the SIC.

It should be noted that the International Competition Network (ICN) is one of the most important scenarios to study, assess and discuss technical issues and best practices related to competition protection.