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Colombian was appointed as the new president of SIM

1 Septiembre, 2020

The engineer Pedro Pérez Vargas, leader of the Legal Metrology Group of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), was elected with 75% of the votes; as president of the Working Group (MWG) of Legal Metrology of the Inter-American System of Metrology (SIM), a position he will hold until 2023.


For the first time since the creation of the SIM, which handles the issues and challenges of metrology in the American continent, a Colombian reaches the position of president of the MWG of Legal Metrology. The elections that was held last June, two candidates participated to occupy this dignity, one from Colombia and the other from Costa Rica. The results of the election have been made official by the international organization.


What is the SIM?

The Inter-American Metrology System (SIM) was created in 1979 to promote the use of scientific, industrial, and legal metrology. It brings together 30 countries of the American continent divided in one of the five sub regions that work in the area of Metrology (Noramet, Carimet, Camet, Andimet and Suramet). Colombia is a member of the sub region of the Andean countries: Andimet.