Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio

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July a very active month on industrial property learning

1 Septiembre, 2020

There are many and varied topics that the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce offers citizens for virtual training.


In the month of July, the Training Group made it possible for 3,400 citizens to participate virtually in conferences, academic conferences and virtual courses on Industrial Property, Personal Data, Consumer, Legal Metrology and Competition.



However, as the graphic shows Industrial Property, with more than 1,300 people trained, led the training statistics with courses on: Introduction to Industrial Property; Trademark Registration Workshop; Importance of Industrial Design; and the Importance of Trademarks.


If you want to be part of our trainings, consult our academic offer at https://www. .co/formaci%C3%B3n/oferta-acad%C3%A9mica  or write to