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investigation against the company TICKET FAST SAS

The SIC filed an investigation against TICKET FAST for alleged infringements to the consumer regime

10 Mayo, 2021

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), in its role as National Authority for Consumer Protection, has filed and investigation against the company TICKET FAST SAS, for allegedly having collected consumers money from tickets whose purchase did not materialize in their system, as well as for generating double charges in purchases made by consumers due to rejection messages and finally for preventing the entry of consumers to an event whose tickets were acquired in TICKET FAST SAS different platforms.

Thanks to consumers complaints, the SIC was also able to establish that, through the website, consumers were not informed in a clear, timely, sufficient, understandable, precise, and accurate manner, which is the ideal procedure to make effective the discounts or promotions for certain events, as would have happened with the "Disney On Ice" event held in 2019.

On the other hand, the SIC also received complaints associated with the “Secure your ticket service” offered during the process of buying tickets for public shows through the website According to the information presented by consumers, it is possible that the checkbox associated with this optional service, was preselected by the company's system and it might not be easily recognizable and understandable by consumers, which would constitute a violation of the consumer protection law.

Finally, the SIC will review the possible omission of TICKET FAST SAS, regarding the duty to inform the SIC of the cancellation or modification of events whose tickets were sold through its website.

If the violation of the Consumer Protection Law is confirmed, fines may be imposed up to two thousand (2,000) current legal monthly minimum wages.