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The SIC participated in the Competition Committee and its Working Parties Meetings in Paris, France

The SIC participated in the Competition Committee and its Working Parties Meetings in Paris, France

The Chief Advisor to the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Felipe García Pineda participated in the Competition Committee and its Working Parties meetings held in Paris, France, from June 4 to 8, 2018.

Day one, delegates held a roundtable on taxi and ride-hailing markets. Next, they discussed on how to update the Competition Assessment Toolkit in light of digitalization. The day concluded with two presentations. One about the open application programming interface (API) standards in banking introduced in UK and in Netherlands and other about the findings and implementation of the OECD Competition Assessment Toolkit Review of Portugal.

Day two, country representatives held two roundtables. One on challenges and coordination of leniency programs and other, on designing and testing effective consumer-facing remedies. Then, a long report including salient points out of the OECD’s work on various aspects of hard-core cartels in the last fifteen years was presented.

Day three, delegates held two roundtables. One on the non-price effects of mergers and other on e-commerce and competition. Afterwards, on day fourth, some delegations shared their annual report on competition policy for 2017, and Lead Examiners based on Secretariat reports, conducted an in-depth review of Greece’s Competition Law and Policy. The day concluded with a hearing on market concentration.

Finally, the last day of the Committee there was a hearing on blockchain and competition. Likewise, outreach activities, program of work and budget of the Competition Committee for 2019-2020, was presented to the Committee members.

The participation of the SIC in this session was relevant since Colombia was accepted as part of the Competition Committee on June 2015. In this regard, it is worth pointing out that one of the main international commitments arising from this acceptance was to maintain an active participation in activities promoted by the OECD.